Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Brother and Sister Authors, Week of March 21

Informational Text DRAFT
Audience: Middle School Students
Kendall Huff- Gymnastics

Have you ever wanted to know how to do certain tricks in gymnastics? Flips, handstands, splits, and handsprings? They make me feel like I can fly. Let me tell you about some skills that make you feel like you can fly and more!

According to the Webster dictionary the meaning of the word skills is to be capable of doing something that takes training, experience, or practice. In order to have these skills you need to have confidence and to work hard. You can do this by practicing gymnastics at home or in a gymnasium. You can do gymnastics anywhere SAFE!!!!!! You can do it at home, outside in a open field, and a gymnasium, etc. Just remember to be in a SAFE enviorment and place. For example you do not want to do gymnastics in a small area with glass vases and furniture. This will cause your parents to get mad cause they spent all this money and you broke it !!!! Also the glass will break  and it will cut you.

You need special gear for gymnastics like leotard, wristbrand, no shoes , and hair tied up.
You need a leotard so you can actually be comfortable and not rip your pants or clothes. Leotard are used because they have this special latex so it makes the leotard stretch. But if you do not have a leotard then get some gym shorts that are not tight and a short sleeve shirt.

If you are worried or wondering if you can do gymnastics well to answer your question, you can! Anyone can do gymnastics just remember to have confidence and work hard. Gymnastics specialist recommend that kids under 5 years old should have adult supervision.

You can start gymnastics at 3years old but can start earlier for fun or something.

If you cant go to a gymnastics class how can you learn? Well don’t get sad kids you can go on youtube and watch videos or ask a friend . For example if you want to know how to do a handstand just go on Youtube and search “how to do a handstand for beginners.” If you need help doing some kind of skill in gymnastics ask a friend, siblings, or a parent to help spot you.  According to gymnasticszone.com , spotting means for someone to assist you while you are doing a gymnastics skill so you wont hurt yourself.

Here are some steps I can teach you to do. The 1st thing you need to do is stretch your legs and your arms so you won’t pull a muscle that’s not supposed to be pulled.

Cartwheels: The first thing you want to do is put your hands up and leap on the floor and kick your legs over side ways and then your feet are going to touch the ground sideways and the way you are going to know that you did the steps right is that when you flipped doing your cartwheel your body will be sideways instead of straight .

Handstand: A stand handstand is simple all you need to do is put your hands on the ground and push your self off from the ground and then kick your legs half way over then keep them in the air and then when you are done you can ethier flip all the way over or just come down.

Round off: A round off is easy if you know how to a handstand and a Cartwheel then you know how to do a round off. All you want to do is do a cartwheel but land with your feet together and not apart. So what you want to do is put your hands on the ground and then kick off from the side and the turn your waist to make your feet land straight and together.

Back Handspring:  A back handspring is a little difficult for some people. What you want to do to complete a handspring is try to practice on something bouncy first to try to get the feeling of you springing back up like a bed or a trampoline. But make sure that it is safe first cause I am pretty sure your mom does not want you to get hurt. The first is to practice doing a handstand on a trampoline or a bed and when you do the handstand add a flip over all the way with your handstand so when you do your handstand flip all the way over. Then, practice that over and over and over again until you feel secure moving into a little bit harder challenge. When you feel more secure do your handstand backwards then after that jump into your backhand spring 
and then put all of those steps together.

Front Handspring: A front hand spring is just adding a jump force into a handstand. So just run and then do a flip that goes into a handstand then just land with your feet coming together.

Split: How to do a split: The way how you do a split is stretch your legs and your arms out so you won’t pull a muscle and then just lower legs down little by little and then keep on stretching everyday you will be able to do a split but it takes time so it probably won’t happen in 1 day.                                                                                        


  1. Lucy's Christmas
    By: Lucy J.

    Christmas Eve as fun as can be,
    Having dinner so good.

    Looking at all the Christmas lights,
    While taking a big bite.

    Of my good meal,
    I love the way this feels.

    Playing games with my brother and sis,
    This is fun I don't want to miss.

    Playing all the games I can find,
    While I am blind.

    Sleeping on the floor,
    Without opening the door.

    Waiting for the door to open,
    I hope the presents I am getting are what I'm hoping.

    Opening presents, so much fun,
    With excitement, down the stairs I run.

  2. Sabre Alexander

    Dear diary:
    My best friend, you know Justice, right? The one I’m always talking about? She was at my house today. Justice and I were hungry. My grandmother was willing to take her and me to the store, so that we don’t have to walk and somehow get approached by a grow man because we’re pretty, more so because we look older than what we are. My grandmother told me to start the car, so as I’m walking down the stairs on my way to the car, talking not really paying attention. I stepped down on the concrete stairs. My leg got twisted and my knee cracked (my right one to be specific). Oh lord you wouldn’t believe it. Everything happened so fast. It hurt so badly ,oh my gosh. I was almost about to cry. I had to women up and hold it in. Justice (my best friend) was trying so hard not to laugh. She bust out laughing instead of me cry she was in laughter. I had to let it out. My face was getting really red. I fell to the ground crying like a little baby. I’m not even ashamed of it. It hurt so bad. I felt like I got shoot (never been shoot before maybe I’m just over exaggerating).

    Anyway when my grandmother saw me lying on the ground crying, she thought I was faking. Like how do you even fake cry? How do you even fake break your knee? Like she really upset me at that point. Justice was no help at all, like she is my best friend. Laughing is what she was doing. She didn’t even help me. Like 20 minutes later my grandmother finally realized that I wasn’t faking. She took me to the emergency room (which was stinky and smelled like old people). Justice wanted to ride with us so she came. Meanwhile we sitting in the emergency room for like 3 hours. I’m in so much pain Im crying. Like the lady who was behind the desk act like she was really doing something. She probably was playing a game (laugh out loud). I don’t understand why it took us so long to get a room. The lady behind the desk finally called my last name. I was to upset. I was just looking at the old lady all mean. Tears dropping down from my face. (I mean people say I look mean but that’s not my problem because I don’t feel that way) She looked like she was catching an attitude. I know your probably going to say I’m mean and disrespectful, but she’s the one who was taking forever to try to get me a room. I mean come on now my knee has cracked. I’ve been waiting in the emergency room for 3 hours.
    * * * * *
    We finally get a room. The doctor is taking forever to come. Justice is laughing at me still. The doctor is finally in the room. He’s asking all types of question (that I don’t know the answer to) then he tells me my leg is broke. I get so mad and yell my leg is broke yea I know that, can you help or not? if not we can leave because we been here for 3 hours waiting on you to tell me something that I already know. Justice is just laughing and my grandmother is looking at me like she was about to whip me (laugh out loud).
    Worst time of my life, I would tell you more, but my grandma’s calling me for dinner.

    1. Dear Diary Once Again:

      Today was so great. I’m going to let you on in a little secret. So there’s this boy. Yes a boy. He is so nice, smart and cute (laugh out loud). Let me get myself together. That's not the reason I’m writing to you. I’m writing to you because something happen today, some crazy stuff. I got into a fight. Yes a fight. I hurt him. Yes him. I fought a boy yes I did. Not the boy I was talking about a few seconds ago. A different boy. He poured water on me and I really really didn't want to get wet. But people want to play too much. But here’s what happened. It was me and my friends it was really hot outside so we decided to go to the park. So my friends and some kids that were at the park decided to play with water. I was sitting on the bench because I didn't want to be bothered or hit with the water I clearly said "I’m not playing with the water with you guys leave me alone." So some boy that I didn't know came and poured water on my head. (Pause). First of all I don't know you. Second of all didn't I say that that I wasn't playing with the water? (BTW I SAID IT TO MYSELF WHY WOULD I SAY THAT OUT LOUD). So I got up off the bench and wiped my face. Then I was getting ready to fight this boy. This boy had to be the same age as me. He had this look on his face. Can't explain it (it was an ugly face tho). He was really tall. But his size didn't stop me from beating him up like for real. I threw my first punch I went straight up to his face. I hit him right in his mouth. It started to bleed Oh my gosh. I couldn't even believe that I just hit a boy. Then at the same time I’m like so disgusted by the blood that's running down his face. I didn't know what to do I have a weak stomach so like I threw up. Yes I threw up not on the ground but on the same boy I punched. I threw up on him. Yes I know I made it seem like I was this big and bad person. But what happened today I don't even know what to say about it. He was crying and calling his brother all I could do was run home. My friend were laughing at me. WORST DAY EVER.

  3. Children's Story
    By: Jada Spencer

    Once a pound a time there was and talking tiger, giraffe, turtle and there parents. The tiger is a brave and smart, the giraffe is a leader love to play with other animals, and the turtle is a slow walker but is very smart. When the zookeeper was feeding all the animals, the tiger was planning on sneeking out so he can explore the the place he allways wanted to go to. So as they where helping each other break out there cages make sure they where quite so they wouldn’t they wake there parents, when the zookeeper was checking the cage the three friend look every where to see if the zookeeper was there, they didn’t see he so tiger said ‘’go run’’. As they where in New York the turtle had to hope on the tiger because he was so slow. But as they where walking down the street the tiger was getting scared because he thought he was going to get cought and get in trouble by his mom. The giraffe was getting sick and the turtle was ready to go back home. When they got home there moms was waiting for them and they all got in trouble and they couldn’t talk to each other in till the next day. There moms had a talk with them telling how the shouldn’t act and u shouldn’t run away because something could happen to u and u parent will be mad or disappointed. And after that talk there were no problem with them anymore.

  4. Tayshaun young

    About Cheetahs

    Do you no than cheetahs is fast as a car? Or pull back their claws they run at 60- 70 mph 97-113 kilometers per hour. A sprinting cheetah can easily outrun a human and a race horse. Cheetahs are interesting. Cheetahs eat animals and live in different places (Carney and Johns, 2008).

    Cheetahs eat over 100 of animals . They eat gazelles, smaller hoofed animals, rabbits, birds, hares, antelopes, and deer (Carney and Johns, 2008).

    Cheetahs live in the rain forests, Africa, and woodlands. In Asia Cheetahs are mostly found in sub-Saharan. They are prey and they live in the tree (Carney and Johns, 2008).

    Cheetahs are the fastest animals, they eat animals, and they live in different places.
